There are approximately 6,000 young adults in Georgia, ages 18-26, that have experienced foster care, and many face significant challenges as they navigate independence. Limited access to support systems, resources, and guidance during this critical time can leave them vulnerable to housing and financial instability. 

But you can change that, at no cost to you. 

Through the Fostering Success Tax Credit (also known as the Qualified Foster Child Donation Credit), Georgia taxpayers like you can redirect your state taxes to make a life-changing difference for young people who have experienced foster care.

How it Works

  • Contribute to Bloom’s program that provides essential guidance and support for youth who are transitioning out of foster care 
  • Receive a 100% tax credit against your Georgia state income tax 
  • Your entire contribution is deducted from your state tax bill—dollar for dollar 
  • Be part of the inaugural $20 million annual program helping young adults build stable, successful lives

Your Redirect, Their Future

When you redirect your tax dollars to Bloom, you are not just making a donation – you are investing in the lives of young people. 

Take action today.

Transform your tax obligation into life-changing support for Georgia’s foster youth.

Phase 1: Online App for Pre-Approval by Dept of Revenue

Pre-approval by the Department of Revenue is required BEFORE you donate. The Georgia Department of Revenue will send you an approval letter to let you know when you are able to donate to Bloom.

  1. Log in to create an account at the Georgia Tax Center website 
  2. Select Bloom Our Youth as the Qualified Foster Child Support Organization (QFCSO)

* For detailed instructions, download the Qualified Foster Child Donations Credit Preapproval Instructions

Phase 2. Donate to Bloom Our Youth

Once you are pre-approved by the IRS, you will receive an approval letter from the GA Dept of Revenue, and then you will have 60 days to donate directly to Bloom by December 31st of that tax year. There are two ways to give:

  • To give online, click here.
  • To make your gift by check, please allow ample time for mailing and designate Bloom Fostering Success Act as the donation on the check.

Phase 3. Receive Confirmation

Bloom will send you a Qualified Foster Child Donation Credit Letter of Confirmation form (Georgia Form IT-QFCD-FUND1). This form should provide everything you need for your taxes. However, we recommend verifying with your CPA, as we are not tax professionals, and this should not be deemed tax advice. 

As a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering foster children and families in the state of Georgia, Bloom is committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability. In accordance with the rules outlined by the Department of Revenue, Income Tax Division, Chapter 560-7-8, the following presents our annual budget for the calendar year ending December 31, 2023: 

Total Revenue: 

During the 2023 calendar year, Bloom received a total revenue of $4,327,895.00 from all sources, reflecting the generous support of our valued donors and partners. 

Qualified Contributions & Expenditures: 

The total amount of Qualified Contributions collected in 2023 was $15,000 (<1% of total revenue), reflecting contributions from two (2) donors. While we actively served this population throughout 2023, we had not yet allocated Fostering Success Tax Credit funds toward these programs as of December 31, 2023. With our expanded programming initiatives, we will begin drawing from these designated funds to further enhance our services. 

As Bloom expands our programming in 2024 and 2025, qualified contributions under the Fostering Success Tax Credit will be instrumental in serving a population often underserved, foster children aging out of the system.