April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and Bloom would like to bring attention to this important issue that impacts communities across the state and nationwide. Every year, thousands of children enter the foster care system in Georgia. The majority of these children are removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Thanks to the determination and resilience of our amazing Bloom Foster Families, many of these children who experience trauma are able to recover and eventually thrive.

That was the case for Sarah, who had a long history of abuse and tremendous trauma before entering the care of a Bloom Foster Family. At first, Sarah had severe anger issues, could not form meaningful relationships, and was very unstable. As an educator, her foster mom, Lisa, had a strong understanding of child development and the devastating impact that trauma and abuse can cause. She knew that she could help Sarah, but it was going to take time and persistence.

Being employed in this “helping profession” equipped Lisa with the resiliency necessary to weather the ups and downs of foster parenting. Lisa also sought to frequently educate herself on all things related to trauma and caring for children by actively participating in regularly scheduled trauma-informed training through Bloom University. As her parental capacity continued to grow, her passion for helping Sarah inspired her to seek additional therapeutic interventions to help address the trauma this young child was dealing with. After some extensive research, Lisa decided to travel to Florida to attend a three-day seminar called Narrative Exposure Training (NET), designed to treat survivors of multiple and complex trauma.

Using her trauma-informed training and techniques she learned during the seminar, Lisa has seen a significant improvement in Sarah’s behavior, and her previous traumas have begun to heal. Sarah is now learning to manage her anger, is starting to form meaningful relationships with her foster family, and has found stability in a safe and loving home.

Lisa, who always goes above and beyond for the children she cares for, was recognized in March as Bloom’s Foster Parent of the Month. It’s because of foster parents like Lisa that Bloom is able to make a powerful impact on the lives of foster children.

If you or someone you know is looking for a meaningful way to make a difference in a child’s life, consider fostering a child. Learn more.

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