Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was a meaningful day as Bloom joined the students and parents at Pace Academy for a day of service! A dedicated partner of Bloom, Pace Academy supports The Bloom Closet year-round with an onsite donation bin and several organized donation drives. Caroline Nuckols, a 7th grader, and her 9th-grade sister, Katharine Nuckols, are exceptional Pace Academy student ambassadors who oversee the drives, manage the bin, and played a key role in coordinating the service day.
“When I first became an ambassador, I wasn’t exactly sure what it would entail,” said Katharine Nuckols. “But this summer, when I visited the Bloom Closet and was able to witness firsthand the impact we’re able to make on foster kids, I truly understood the importance of our work. It means so much to me to know that what I’m doing is making a difference.”
With the support of over 30 volunteers, the morning was filled with energy and purpose as the group sorted and packed an entire truckload of donations from the generous Pace community.
“It was an immense pleasure to watch my two communities, both Pace and Bloom, come together to produce a truckload of blessings for the children of Bloom,” shared Katie Weaver, a Pace parent and Interim Director of Development for Bloom.
Bloom looks forward to continuing to expand its school partnerships, fostering the growth of future service leaders, and providing educational experiences that increase awareness of the challenges faced by other children in their communities.