A child’s well-being and success is often linked to family stability. That’s why the new Bloom Family Resource Center will focus on assisting families in crisis by improving parenting and building positive family relationships. This pilot program, which began in October, provides families with a support system to help reduce or remove at-risk issues and keep children with their birth families.

The Family Resource Center works with the entire family to develop proactive strategies and provides training and resources, including:

• Training in the Positive Parenting Program, which is an evidence-based parenting support program that promotes the well-being of children and empowers families to manage behavioral issues to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect.
• Clothing, school supplies, books, toys, and more for children ages birth to 16 years of age through the Bloom Closet.
• Training through Bloom University, which is additional evidence-based, trauma-informed instruction that empowers and strengthens families to provide exceptional care for children.
• Personalized linkages for a variety of support, including access to community-based resources.

“The goal of the Family Resource Center is to keep children with their birth families and out of the foster care system,” said Pamella Talley, director of foster care services. “By providing services and support to these families, we can help them recover from any challenges they may have experienced, regain their stability, and ultimately improve the well-being of the child.”

Bloom received a $200,000 grant from the Georgia Department of Human Services, Prevention and Community Support Division to implement the Family Resource Center program. It serves as a point of entry for families in Fayette and Spalding counties to obtain direct services and resources in a manner that is strength-based, family-centered, and responsive to the communities’ needs.

Program services are on a referral basis only for families residing in Fayette and Spalding counties. For more information on the Family Resource Center, contact Program Manager Denise Johnson at 770-460-6652, ext. 306 or d.johnson@bloomouryouth.org.

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