Long-time Bloom supporter Stephen Walker will be returning as the Emcee for this year’s Bloom Ball, marking its 20th anniversary. Stephen, an acclaimed speaker, singer, and realtor, has been a key contributor to Bloom Ball’s success over the years. Stephen’s association with Bloom started in 2013 when he became a board member. Since then, he has been the Emcee for the Frocks and Rocks fundraising event, starting with its inaugural year a decade ago, and has also helped with Bloom Ball over the past several years.

“God has blessed me with the talent to speak and sing, and I want to share that with our community,” said Stephen Walker. “I love the audience and the laughter as I bring the room alive with my personality.”

We caught up with Stephen to learn more about his excitement for the upcoming Bloom Ball:

What are you most excited about for this year’s Bloom Ball?

“The location! I hope that with the event being at the Georgia Aquarium for the first time, attendees will give back more than ever before to the amazing foster children served by Bloom.”

What made you want to get involved with Bloom Ball?

“I feel called to be a servant and to give back my time and energy. As President-Elect for the Georgia Association of Realtors, I want my colleagues to see you can give back to others while also serving your community. I enjoy it, and I am grateful to serve.”

How do you think first-time attendees of the Bloom Ball will feel about the event?

“I know they’ll love it, especially because this year will be the biggest and best yet! I think they will want to come back year after year to support Bloom.”

How has Bloom Ball changed over the years?

“Bloom Ball has only gotten bigger and better every year. I’ve enjoyed watching it grow over the years and connecting more people to Bloom’s mission.”

Stephen’s enthusiasm and dedication to Bloom’s mission make him the perfect choice to host this year’s Bloom Ball. We can’t wait to see him on stage, bringing the event to life with his remarkable talent and passion for foster children. To witness Stephen in action, purchase your Bloom Ball tickets today by clicking here.

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