The Bloom Closet Express Visits Rabun County

The Bloom Closet Express Visits Rabun County

On August 18th and 19th, 2023 the Bloom Closet Express embarked on a momentous journey to Rabun County, Georgia. This marked our first visit to this region, where we had the incredible opportunity to serve not only the local community but also six surrounding counties. Our mission was clear – to provide support and resources to foster families and bring joy into the lives of their children.  

Why Many People Become Foster Parents

Why Many People Become Foster Parents

There are many wonderful elements of the world of foster parenting, and one is the fact that foster parents choose to enter this role for a variety of different reasons. People will be spurred toward becoming a foster parent by several different motivations, and these allow many children who otherwise wouldn’t receive a loving, supporting environment to get the care they need.