Despite the challenges faced in the post-pandemic world, Bloom is committed to supporting foster families and providing all foster children with the care they deserve. Unfortunately, an increasing number of foster children are exhibiting challenging behaviors and experiencing mental health issues. In response, Bloom has taken proactive measures to address their evolving needs by adding meaningful support and training through Bloom University. This program offers trauma-informed and evidence-based training for foster families, foster care staff, birth or adoptive families, and community members who work with children and adolescents.

Bloom University provides caregivers and professionals with the knowledge and skills required to effectively address the complex needs of foster youth and other youth in the general population who have experienced trauma or are struggling with mental health issues. By integrating evidence-based and trauma-informed practices, caregivers can create a supportive environment that is conducive to the healing and growth of these children. Additionally, enhanced training fosters a deeper understanding of the underlying psychological challenges faced by youth, enabling caregivers to respond with empathy and resilience.

“Through workshops, seminars, and practical training sessions, we are empowering families to implement best practices and interventions tailored to the individual needs of each child in their care,” said Katie New, EdD, LMSW, RN, Bloom University clinical director.

“By fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, Bloom University seeks to elevate the standard of care provided to Georgia’s foster children, ultimately enhancing their well-being and prospects for a brighter future.”

As the demand for trauma-informed care continues to grow, investing in the professional development of foster parents and foster care staff becomes increasingly critical. By prioritizing training and education, Bloom is taking proactive steps to address the evolving needs of vulnerable youth to ensure they receive the support and care they deserve.

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